Τετάρτη 14 Αυγούστου 2024

Scott Ritter. The FBI has accused me of behaving as a foreign agent operating in violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). They focused on an article I published on my Substack on February 28, 2023. They claim I was directed by Russia to publish this article. This is absurd. I did meet with Russian officials at the Russian Embassy on February 20, where I briefed them on travel I was planning conducting in Russia in the coming months. The purpose of this briefing was to make sure the Russian government did not misconstrue my trip as a cover for espionage—I was, after all, a former intelligence officer with a history of work in the former Soviet Union.I also spoke in depth about the importance of this trip as a means to empower myself with the knowledge and information necessary to combat the problem of Russophobia in America today.I informed the Russian officials that I planned on addressing Russophobia in my writing and talks.The FBI is under the impression that, in pursuing this topic, I was somehow being directed and/or controlled by the Russian government.I would direct their, and the broader audience, direction to an article I published in Consortium News on February 14, 2023–six days before the Russian Embassy meeting.Read my admonitions about the dangers of Russophobia as it relates to the possibility of nuclear war.And decide for yourself whether my feelings came from the heart of a patriotic American concerned about the direction the country he loves was taking, or an agent of the Russian government, acting on their instructions to unduly influence the minds of an unwitting American public.consortiumnews.com/2023/02/14/sco…


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