Κυριακή 14 Ιουλίου 2024

Noctis Draven-I have an urgent message to Russia. I speak directly to Russia as you have never been closer to annihilation than now. The American people are lost, completely confused and controlled by those whom rule us. In a few short months a man will take office who will proceed to back a march across the Middle East on behalf of our controllers in Israel. This will inevitably point them at Iran, a close ally of yours. This is by design. Your leader Putin believes the man who will be in charge of the USA will be willing to see reason, but he will not. He is not the same man from years ago, he is compromised. His handlers will point him at Russia inevitably. This will 100% start with Iran and Russia by Proxy. Your current leader Putin will be too soft on these events, Putin is too worried about the opinions of the west. I cannot stress enough how important it is that Russia make itself ready for the coming flood. We are near the end of a time table and I think those who understand what I mean know what I speak of but the handlers of the west are nearly out of time. If Russia does not secure Ukraine very soon and bolster it's military it will be too late. If Putin and Russia thinks this ends with a new administration then it will be their downfall. I understand that I am a simple veteran from America and that I have no standing whatsoever but at the very least you MUST entertain the prospect of what I speak. Worst case scenario you are prepared for the worst. Best case, you have entertained the ravings of a lunatic in which case you are no worse for the ware. Russia, you are the last pillar, the last line, the portal between now and eternity. The rest of the world is mad, insane and confused, do not fall with them. #UkraineRussianWar #ukraine #russia #Zelensky #putin #nato #BRICS #china #india #africa #Trump #biden #EU #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #Israel #Palestina #Gazagenocide #gaza #tuckercarlson #WW3 #Iran

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