Πέμπτη 6 Ιουνίου 2024

Medvedev:“Yesterday, the President of Russia for the first time allowed the possibility of sending our weapons to regions that are at war with the states supplying weapons to Ukraine (or more precisely, using these weapons against our country). In other words, to forces in conflict with America and NATO countries.This is a significant change in our foreign policy. The way the Americans and their European lapdogs think is: we have the right to transfer any weapons to Ukraine (which is the enemy of our country), but other countries cannot help Russia. In other words, we will destroy you by all possible means, but no one is allowed to supply Russians with weapons/equipment/other assets to defend the country.Now, let the USA and their allies feel the direct use of Russian weapons by third parties. These parties or regions are intentionally not named, but they can be anyone who considers the USA and its allies their enemies, regardless of their political beliefs and international recognition. Their enemy is the USA, which makes them our friends.Let the use of Russian weapons by these unnamed “regions” be as destructive as possible for their and our opponents. And let the “sensitive objects of the states supplying weapons to Kyiv” burn in hellfire, along with those who manage them.And we will rejoice in their successful strikes with our weapons against our common enemies!”

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